Biden Delivers Disastrous and Obviously Geriatric 2024 Presidential Debate Performance

by Charles S. Oaxpatu

Tonight I watched and listened closely to the 2024 presidential debate between President Joseph L. Biden, Jr. and Donald J. Trump—–and most of you know I am a long-time Biden supporter. It has always been my desire to speak to you truthfully and honestly in terms of my own opinions and how I understand current affairs—–religiously, socially, and politically. This evening, Biden turned in a debate performance that was an absolute disaster—-no doubt the extremely worst debate performance by any presidential candidate in all of American history.

Joe Biden was in serious trouble from the first few words out of his mouth. It was certain to me that he needed to clear phlegm from his throat so he could speak up loudly and clearly. No matter how hard he tried, Biden was simply unable to do it. Why? No props were allowed on stage, which meant there was no traditional glass of water the candidate could drink from to clear a phlegm-clotted and probably dry throat.

My best guess is that some very observant and clever member of the Trump campaign team had noticed some slight voice difficulty across many past Biden speeches and intentionally planned to ensure glasses of water would be defined as stage props so Biden would be unable to clear his phlegm or drench a dry throat. As a result, Biden was unable to get any appreciable volume into his voice, and it sounded like he was throat-handling a handful of whole-kernel peanuts. This lasted throughout all 90 minutes of the debate. Consequently, the political optics and audio feed made Joe Biden look like a total fool on the debate stage. But so sad to say, a much younger man without 82 year-old geriatric problems would have likely not needed a glass of water to achieve the required high volume and clarity of speech.

One other thing occurred to me as well. The news media have reported that Biden—-in between recent world diplomatic trips—–and after them—–was spending most of his time prepping for the big debate. I wonder if some pedagogical fool in the Democratic Party cracked the preparation whip so hard that he or she wore out Joe Biden’s vocal chords and delivered him onto the debate stage with what sounded like a horrible case of laryngitis.

Worst of all, so sad to say, it was further clear to me that Joe Biden understood the various topics under debate but was having trouble thinking about them clearly under pressure. You have to think clear as crystal before you can articulate a position on any subject during a debate. Throughout the debate, Biden was unable to think clearly, and as a direct result, unable to articulate political positions in more than a few short sentences that often sounded barely audible, mumbled, and incomplete. This was not just a disaster. It was utter disaster!

Then, to make it all far worse for Biden, there was Trump. Trump lied through his teeth to the American people for all 90 minutes of the debate—-with a little truth and a just few accurate facts mixed in with the lies. He did not have to practice. All he had to do was lie naturally as he always does about most things. When you are all about lies and you have a lot of practice at telling lies, you really do not have to think much or think clearly. You just set the internal engine at the starting position, push the button that says “big mouth,” and let her rip! That is what Trump did, and the lies flowed out as a rushing stream. They were stated loudly. They were stated clearly, They were stated succinctly. They were stated with absolute confidence. Trump’s presentation was so effective that any ignorant or ill-informed person would swear on a stack of 10 Bible that Trump was surely stating the unequivocal and final truth on every topic of debate. Of course, I knew better because I have been following Trump’s lies and the daily political news with a microscope since 2016.

Whatever Satanic power it is that drives Trump was operating in top form tonight. Although low on truthful substance, it was classic Satan—–deceiving the masses with an almost perfect exterior performance. This smoke-and-mirrors quality made Joe Biden’s debate presentation “look” all the more worse in any kind of straight-up comparison.

All week long, assorted MAGA Republicans were joking and teasing about Biden’s recent, well-done speeches and how his handlers must be shooting him up with caffeine, cocaine, steroids, B vitamins, amphetamines, and all sorts of other performance-enhancing drugs right before he goes on stage to speak. Well, if that were true, the White House medical doctor must have been unavailable tonight. Biden’s poor performance required far more help than any such drugs could have offered tonight—either that—–or the whole chemical combination must have gone haywire into a bad drug trip.

No. Joe Biden is not on performance-enhancing drugs. If he were, the conventional news media would be all over it and reporting the details.

Historically, the American presidency has been known as one of the hardest jobs on planet Earth. It drains even the best of men, gives them gray hairs before their time, and lays them out to dry under the bright light of constant media scrutiny. It is no job for the weak. It is no job for the timid. Tonight we learned that it is definitely no job for a man past 82 years old—-even one that is otherwise in pretty good health for a man of his advanced age. Joe Biden has done an excellent job as President of the United States over the past four years. He is a truthful man, a conscientious man, a man of authentic Christian faith, a man of truth, and a man of deep personal integrity. Unfortunately, the internal engine that has driven him so successfully ran out of both strength and fuel tonight in the worst possible place to do that—–on a stage before 340,000,0000 Americans and a closely watching world audience. This morning, you and I shall wake up to what will be described—-I suspect—-as an acute crisis of American governance.

The whole nation and the Democratic Party need to come to terms with what has happened, and they need to do it quickly. A serious discussion will begin. Should Biden resign from office immediately for the sake of the country. I suspect so! Should Kamala Harris replace him temporarily. That seems inevitable. However, I have to say that I do not think Ms. Harris is well-equipped to be president of the United States across the next four years. She is smart enough, but her ability to manage complex things is suspect, based on how poorly she managed her own campaign for presidential candidacy in 2016. Sure, she has learned a lot from Joe Biden—-and normally—-that would count for much from any potential leader. However, Trump would almost surely defeat her in the election on November 5th, and no right-thinking person wants that to happen.

Right now—-this week—–the Democratic Party needs to begin finding a legitimate, temporary replacement for President Biden. Vice President Kamala Harris should be that person for the next seven months because she is officially in line to succeed Biden. As such, she will be forever remembered in American history as the first female President of the United States.

Simultaneously, beginning later today, the officials of the Democratic Party need to find two new people—-popular people—-intelligent people—–people of deep knowledge, high personal qualities, and tough mindedness—–to run for President of the United States and Vice President of the United States against Donald J. Trump on November 5, 2024. They need to be younger people who can win and will win.

Volodomyr Zelensky. I love you little man. So do most of the American people. You and your beautiful wife have wondered many times about the correct time to resign from your job and move west to seek political asylum in the United States for yourself and the members of your family. I suspect that time is about—–right now. Donald J. Trump will quickly betray you and all of Ukraine into the hands of Vladimir Putin without firing a shot. That will come quickly after Trump is re-elected. I doubt any new, young  Democratic Party President of the United States will possess the deep Cold War Period knowledge and understanding necessary to play successful nuclear brinksmanship with Putin long enough so Ukraine can win the war against Russia. Under a new Democratic President, Ukraine will simply die on the vine from trepidation, low-level commitment, and overall political fecklessness in Washington, D.C.  Together, Zelensky and a clear-headed  Biden would have freed Ukraine from war, eventually. Without thorough Republican support for Ukraine, which has been fairly weak in some quarters, I doubt that will ever happen.

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